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Shameful new broadcast from the Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses

Writer's picture: Nicolas SpoonerNicolas Spooner

On March 15th 2024, a new video appeared on the website, in the Global News section, under the heading of 2024 Governing Body update #2. You can watch the broadcast here but, be warned. It could stir some strong emotions in you.

The video is presented by Mark Sanderson. At least I think it was him. It's hard to tell, now he is embracing the new guidance on facial hair. Brother Sanderson reveals all the new information regarding how members should treat sinners and wrongdoers.

Lots of talk of how Jehovah is so loving and how he really, really doesn't want to kill anyone if he can help it. All they have to do is repent and return.

He addresses the matter of dealing with baptised minors who engage in some sort of sinful behaviour. The procedure now will be that two Elders (rather than a committee) will meet with the child, along with their Christian parents, to see if the parents are getting through to the child and he is repenting. If the Elders feel the parents are dealing with things correctly, they will leave the matter there, but still leave room for some public shaming by way of announcements in the hall, naming the child and the fact the Elders have taken care of things. This is not mentioned in the talk, but it is very clear in the guidance sent out to Elders, which you can read here.

However, if he is not repentant then there will be further meetings between the Elders, the child and the Christian parents.

This feels like a feeble attempt at appearing as a loving organisation and trying to say "of course we don't disfellowship anyone under 18, because that would be wrong". (Ask Norway if you don't agree). However, when you read the guidance laid out for the Elders on dealing with Minors, if they are not repentant, they will still be disfellowshipped, under 18 or not.

For anyone who gets disfellowshipped, the Elders will contact them in three months, just to see if they are now repentant and show them the way back. Basically "go over there and think about what you've done".

The next gem that came out of this announcement is one that could prove to be incredibly damaging to tens of thousands of people that either left or have been disfellowshipped.

Elders are instructed to contact former members, to invite them back. To attend meetings and have a chance to repent and bask in Jehovah's mercy and forgiveness.

Brothers and Sisters are instructed that if disfellowshipped members return to a meeting in the hall, they are to use their 'bible-trained conscience' to decide whether to offer a simple greeting and welcome. (You have permission to say hello).

But here is the damaging part of this..

They also state "A Christian may also choose to invite a disfellowshipped person—perhaps a relative, a former Bible student, or someone he was close to in the past—to attend a congregation meeting."

This is likely to lead to family and friends contacting you all of a sudden. If you are an ex Jehovah's Witness who is unaware of these new directives, this could lead to intense psychological turmoil. Your initial reaction may be one of joy, that the family member that has cut you off, for years, has maybe come to their senses. Maybe they want to apologise. Maybe we can have a normal relationship again. Only to find that the reason for the contact is firstly because the Governing Body has given them permission to contact their own flesh and blood (don't get me started), but it is entirely conditional. If you don't agree to return, study and repent, then we bring the hammer down again and go back to shunning.

So many people are in an incredibly vulnerable mental state as a result of being shunned and abandoned by everyone they love, at their time of greatest need. To have that carrot dangled and then ripped away again, is cruel in the extreme and psychologically abusive.

Alternatively, what about those ex Jehovah's Witnesses who have spent years deconstructing their experience, struggled with the mental impact and trying to figure out their identity, as well as grappling with having to accept that their own family treat them as if they are dead. That person could now have that entire wound ripped open again and set them back years.

However, if you're an apostate, forget it. It was made very clear that apostates are still to be avoided at all costs. Quite how they decide what constitutes an apostate is unclear but apparently, if you're an apostate, there is no hope for you.

Oh yeah, by the way, women have permission to wear slacks and men have permission to go without jacket and tie, as long as the clothing is not casual, but dignified, modest and appropriate.

One additional observation was that this was not dressed up as 'New Light' in any way. Whenever they outlined a change it was "The Governing Body has prayerfully considered" or "the Governing Body has decided". They don't even bother pretending any more. This isn't divine intervention. This is a committee of men, making decisions that affect millions of people around the world, without any consideration for the damage they do.

The theme of the talk was of how Jehovah wants you to repent. How he would be merciful if you repent and we must give the sinners and wrongdoers a chance to repent.

Repent means 'to express regret or remorse for your wrongdoing or sin'.

So how about YOU, Governing Body?

Why don't YOU repent for your sins?

Why don't YOU repent for the lives that have been ruined by your decisions?

There are people who have died as a direct result of the decisions that are made by the Governing Body and the actions it leads to among their congregations.

Surely, this could not be more sinful and wrong?





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